The Goods Vehicle Movement Service will be introduced on the 1st of January 2022. Why?

On the 1st of January 2022, the phased import controls will be ending and hauliers will be required to process their goods on GVMS to get their shipments into Great Britain.
This means that if you're not registered, and attempt to move goods through a GVMS port, you won't be able to board the ferry, cross the border or clear your goods through customs.
We have previously published a few articles on this subject, and if you're not sure if GVMS applies to you, we recommend reading them first.
Why is GVMS being introduced?
GVMS is being introduced to support the pre-lodgement model which is in place as an alternative for the border locations where there may not be the space to operate a temporary storage regime. This means that all declarations are pre-lodged before they board on the EU side and will help maintain flow, especially at high volume RoRo locations such as Dover.
The key benefits are:
Declaration references can be linked together which means the driver will only have to present one single reference (the Goods Movement Reference that GVMS produces) at the fronteir.
A new automatic process for the arrival and departure notification procedure within HRMC systems
Automate the Office of Transit function, marking the entry of goods into either NI or GB
Allows notification of the risking outcome of declarations (held or cleared) in HMRC systems to be sent to the person in control of the goods by the time they physically arrive. In other words, a driver will now be notified if a physical or documentary check is required on the goods they are carrying.
The hope is that GVMS will speed up the movement of goods coming in to the UK now the easements are ending. The biggest benefit we can see is that it will allow for a smooth process with notifying drivers when they need to report to an Inland Border Facility for physical checks at an inland location.
As always, if you have any questions about GVMS or anything else around your customs declarations, feel free to contact us today and we'll be happy to help.